Community and World Outreach
Unity strives to serve local organizations with food and clothing and to serve our global neighbors through seasonal projects such as Hygiene and School Kits.
God’s Helping Hand provides on-going support through its Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter collections and distributions to residents.
The mission of the Triton Food
Pantry is to provide a food resource
for students at the University of
Missouri in St Louis (UMSL). Many
college students experience or
at risk of food insecurity or hunger.

To-Go Meals
Single meals consist of protein, snacks, fruit, water, and a dessert. They are intended as a single meal that does not require preparation.
Feed My Starving Children is a
Christian non-profit organization
that coordinates the packaging
and distribution of food to
people in developing nations.
Humanitri is a local non-profit organization that operates within the St. Louis community to assist families in crisis.
Equal Exchange is certified as
having products produced by fair
trade organizations with the goal
of achieving greater equity
in international trade.
Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is an
international non-governmental
organization that focuses on
sustainable development
projects and disaster relief
and recovery.