All organizations within this congregation shall exist to aid it in ministering to the members of this congregation and to all persons who can be reached with the Gospel of Christ. As outgrowths and expressions of this congregation’s life, the organizations are subject to oversight and direction.
Church Council
Pastor – Richard Wolf
Pres. – Jeanine Arrighi
Vice Pres. – Steve Webb
Secy. – Leeann Kemper
Treas. – Barb Klingsick
Members at Large:
Gail Engelhardt
Kate Ligon
Steve Reise
The Church Council meets monthly and is comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three at large members. The council oversees and manages the ministries and financial obligations of the congregation. Each council member typically serves a two-year term.
Stewardship Team
Stewardship Ministry shall strive to encourage stewardship by individuals through an annual stewardship emphasis including opportunities for self-examination of giving record and pledging of time, abilities, and money
Worship Team
The Worship & Fine Arts Ministry shall strive to assist individuals and groups within and outside of the congregation in planning worship related activities, special events, meetings etc.
Word and Witness
(Social Action)
Word and Witness (Social Action) Ministry, work together with local agencies and churchwide ministries to identify those in our local community (LFCS, Campus Ministry, God’s Helping Hand, Triton Food Pantry) and encourage prayer and action of the congregation on their behalf.